Consultant a doctor due to Asthma

A patient should immediately contract his/her doctor if any of the following conditions occurs:

  • If peak flow result is at the red zone in a patient maintaining peak flow chart:
  • Cough increasing severely.
  • Wheeze is loud or absent
  • Breathlessness occurs at rest
  • Pulse is >120/m (>160/m in children)
  • PEFR is <50% of predicted value or personal best result.
  • Response to bronchodilator treatment is not prompt and sustained for at least 3 hours.
  • No improvement within 2 to 6 hours after oral rescue therapy.


15. How to protect yourself from asthma attack

To protect from asthma attack one should work with doctor to develop a customized asthma self management plan. The asthma action plan will tell when and what the medicines should be taken.


Using a peak flow meter one can monitor his breathing and detect asthma episodes before they occur. By flowing asthma action plan using peak flow meter and avoiding asthma triggers, one can protect himself from a asthma attack.